Blog with MAE Capital

On line information security

August 23rd, 2012 4:40 PM by Gregg Mower

People have become more accepting to internet security and the liability that a company holds if they choose to do on line commerce. Applying for a mortgage on line can be very intimidating in that mortgage companies need so much information anymore to do a loan, it can scare a potential client away from using the convenience of applying for a mortgage on line. These days us lenders must secure all of our client’s data and be prepared to show how we do so to the regulators. If there is a breach of information like a stolen lap top or a disgruntled employee, companies have to inform all of their clients by law that some information has been breached. This can be very costly, in fact, it is less costly to pay for the upfront security measures to ensure this will not happen to their customers.

All security measures such as firewalls, secure passwords, and the such, are great and the greater the difficulty most hackers will not try to get into the complex security systems. Hackers will generally go around on the internet and look for open doors or computers that are not secure, nor firewalled. It is like the criminal going through a parking lot and finding a car un locked and the keys in the ignition, this is the car that will be stolen first, same goes for security on computers. Most hackers are doing it for fun anyway and don’t really have intent on stealing information but they find it cool that they can see people’s private information like a peeping Tom. Now, there are those sophisticated criminals like you see I the movies that are out there looking to do real harm, they are few and far between but can cover great distances in a short amount of time.

MAE Capital Mortgage has a great firewall to protect client information. Our web site has different levels of security the we pay to have maintained monthly. The very computer I write this blog on is behind 2 firewalls and an encryption system. I am sure there would be a way to break in but even if someone did I have no client information on this computer it is all on secure servers that will shut down if they feel they are under attack and use an operation system that is not mainstream. So if you have ever worried where your information ends up you can rest assured that here at MAE Capital Mortgage your information is safe with us. We value our customers and their privacy, and we look forward to doing business with you. As usual please leave any comments you might have.

Posted in:General
Posted by Gregg Mower on August 23rd, 2012 4:40 PM



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CA DRE #01913783 NMLS #806170

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